

Dear colleagues!


All-Ukrainian Foundation for Legal Science Academician V.V. Stashys, the Dniprovsky Humanities University publishes an all-Ukrainian scientific journal Law and Society.

The magazine was founded in 2004 on the initiative of Lieutenant-General of Militia Vitaliy Zakharov, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Candidate of Law, Professor.

The magazine is included in the list of professional editions of SAC of Ukraine in law (Resolution of the Presidium of SAC of Ukraine dated 10.03.2010, № 1-05 / 2). The re-registration of the edition has been carried out (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 261 of 06.03.2015, Annex No. 13).

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine No. 1546 as of 09.05.2024. Media ID: R30-04539

Based on the Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 1643 dated 28.12.2019 (annex 4), the journal is included in the List of professional editions of Ukraine (category "B") in the area of legal sciences (D8 – Law, D9 – International Law, К9 – Law Enforcement Activities)

The editorial board assigns DOI to each article.

"Law and Society" Magazine is included in the Index Copernicus International scientific base (Republic of Poland)

"Law and Society" is indexed in the Google Scholar Scientometric Database and ranked in the Top 100 Google Scholar in 2019 by Google Scholar.

The journal publishes articles by leading domestic and foreign scientists and promotes scientific research in the legal sciences. Considering the significant role of Law and Society in promoting the humanities in society, including the coverage of scientific research in the field of legal sciences and their dissemination in public authorities, libraries and higher educational establishments of Ukraine, as well as in educational establishments of Ukraine MIA institutions, editorial board offers you cooperation on the publication of scientific articles, analytical reviews, reviews on problems of state and law, legal practice and law enforcement (law ysnoyi) activities.

The editorial board also invites authors to submit their own scientific papers in compliance with the relevant requirements.